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Group YAXArrays and Datasets

The following examples will use the groupby function to calculate temporal and spatial averages.

using YAXArrays, DimensionalData
using NetCDF
using Downloads
using Dates
using Statistics

Seasonal Averages from Time Series of Monthly Means

The following reproduces the example in xarray by Joe Hamman.

Where the goal is to calculate the seasonal average. And in order to do this properly, is necessary to calculate the weighted average considering that each month has a different number of days.

Download the data

url_path = ""
filename =, "")
ds_o = Cube(filename)


The following rebuild should not be necessary in the future, plus is unpractical to use for large data sets. Out of memory groupby currently is work in progress. Related to

axs = dims(ds_o) # get the dimensions
data =[:,:,:] # read the data
_FillValue =["_FillValue"]
data = replace(data, _FillValue => NaN)
# create new YAXArray
ds = YAXArray(axs, data)

GroupBy: seasons

function weighted_seasons(ds) ... end
function weighted_seasons(ds)
    # calculate weights 
    tempo = dims(ds, :Ti)
    month_length = YAXArray((tempo,), daysinmonth.(tempo))
    g_tempo = groupby(month_length, Ti => seasons(; start=December))
    sum_days = sum.(g_tempo, dims=:Ti)
    weights = map(./, g_tempo, sum_days)
    # unweighted seasons
    g_ds = groupby(ds, Ti => seasons(; start=December))
    mean_g = mean.(g_ds, dims=:Ti)
    mean_g = dropdims.(mean_g, dims=:Ti)
    # weighted seasons
    g_dsW = broadcast_dims.(*, weights, g_ds)
    weighted_g = sum.(g_dsW, dims = :Ti);
    weighted_g = dropdims.(weighted_g, dims=:Ti)
    # differences
    diff_g = map(.-, weighted_g, mean_g)
    seasons_g = lookup(mean_g, :Ti)
    return mean_g, weighted_g, diff_g, seasons_g

Now, we continue with the groupby operations as usual

julia> g_ds = groupby(ds, Ti => seasons(; start=December))
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,2},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
x, y, Ti
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  275×205×9 YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  275×205×9 YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  275×205×9 YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  275×205×9 YAXArray

And the mean per season is calculated as follows

julia> mean_g = mean.(g_ds, dims=:Ti)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,3},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
x, y, Ti
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  275×205×1 YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  275×205×1 YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  275×205×1 YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  275×205×1 YAXArray


Note that now the time dimension has length one, we can use dropdims to remove it

julia> mean_g = dropdims.(mean_g, dims=:Ti)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,2},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
x, y
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  275×205 YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  275×205 YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  275×205 YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  275×205 YAXArray


Due to the groupby function we will obtain new grouping names, in this case in the time dimension:

seasons_g = lookup(mean_g, :Ti)
Categorical{Symbol} Unordered
wrapping: 4-element Vector{Symbol}:

Next, we will weight this grouping by days/month in each group.

GroupBy: weight

Create a YAXArray for the month length

tempo = dims(ds, :Ti)
month_length = YAXArray((tempo,), daysinmonth.(tempo))
│ 36-element YAXArray{Int64,1} │
├──────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
  ↓ Ti Sampled{CFTime.DateTimeNoLeap} [CFTime.DateTimeNoLeap(1980-09-16T12:00:00), …, CFTime.DateTimeNoLeap(1983-08-17T00:00:00)] ForwardOrdered Irregular Points
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{String, Any}()
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── file size ┤ 
  file size: 288.0 bytes

Now group it by season

julia> g_tempo = groupby(month_length, Ti => seasons(; start=December))
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Int64,0},1}
├────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  9-element YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  9-element YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  9-element YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  9-element YAXArray

Get the number of days per season

julia> sum_days = sum.(g_tempo, dims=:Ti)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Int64,1},1}
├────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  1-element YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  1-element YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  1-element YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  1-element YAXArray


Weight the seasonal groups by sum_days

julia> weights = map(./, g_tempo, sum_days)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,1},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  9-element YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  9-element YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  9-element YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  9-element YAXArray

Verify that the sum per season is 1

julia> sum.(weights)
4-element DimArray{Float64,1}
├───────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  1.0
 :Mar_Apr_May  1.0
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  1.0
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  1.0

weighted seasons

Now, let's weight the seasons

julia> g_dsW = broadcast_dims.(*, weights, g_ds)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,3},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
Ti, x, y
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  9×275×205 YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  9×275×205 YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  9×275×205 YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  9×275×205 YAXArray

apply a sum over the time dimension and drop it

julia> weighted_g = sum.(g_dsW, dims = :Ti);

julia> weighted_g = dropdims.(weighted_g, dims=:Ti)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,2},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
x, y
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  275×205 YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  275×205 YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  275×205 YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  275×205 YAXArray

Calculate the differences

julia> diff_g = map(.-, weighted_g, mean_g)
4-element DimGroupByArray{YAXArray{Float64,2},1}
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
Ti Categorical{Symbol} [:Dec_Jan_Feb, :Mar_Apr_May, :Jun_Jul_Aug, :Sep_Oct_Nov] Unordered
├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── metadata ┤
  Dict{Symbol, Any} with 1 entry:
  :groupby => :Ti=>CyclicBins(month; cycle=12, step=3, start=12)…
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── group dims ┤
x, y
 :Dec_Jan_Feb  275×205 YAXArray
 :Mar_Apr_May  275×205 YAXArray
 :Jun_Jul_Aug  275×205 YAXArray
 :Sep_Oct_Nov  275×205 YAXArray

All the previous steps are equivalent to calling the function defined at the top:

mean_g, weighted_g, diff_g, seasons_g = weighted_seasons(ds)

Once all calculations are done we can plot the results with Makie.jl as follows:

using CairoMakie
# define plot arguments/attributes
colorrange = (-30,30)
colormap = Reverse(:Spectral)
highclip = :red
lowclip = :grey15
cb_label =["long_name"]
"Surface air temperature"
with_theme(theme_ggplot2()) do
    hm_o, hm_d, hm_w = nothing, nothing, nothing
    # the figure
    fig = Figure(; size = (850,500))
    axs = [Axis(fig[i,j], aspect=DataAspect()) for i in 1:3, j in 1:4]
    for (j, s) in enumerate(seasons_g)
        hm_o = heatmap!(axs[1,j], mean_g[Ti=At(s)]; colorrange, lowclip, highclip, colormap)
        hm_w = heatmap!(axs[2,j], weighted_g[Ti=At(s)]; colorrange, lowclip, highclip, colormap)
        hm_d = heatmap!(axs[3,j], diff_g[Ti=At(s)]; colorrange=(-0.1,0.1), lowclip, highclip,
    Colorbar(fig[1:2,5], hm_o, label=cb_label)
    Colorbar(fig[3,5], hm_d, label="Tair")
    hidedecorations!.(axs, grid=false, ticks=false, label=false)
    # some labels
    [axs[1,j].title = string.(s) for (j,s) in enumerate(seasons_g)]
    Label(fig[0,1:5], "Seasonal Surface Air Temperature", fontsize=18, font=:bold)
    axs[1,1].ylabel = "Unweighted"
    axs[2,1].ylabel = "Weighted"
    axs[3,1].ylabel = "Difference"
    colgap!(fig.layout, 5)
    rowgap!(fig.layout, 5)

which shows a good agreement with the results first published by Joe Hamman.