Geospatial data cubes in Julia workshop

This is the website of the “Geospatial data cubes in Julia workshop”.

In this tutorial we will explore how to analyse raster data which is larger than RAM.


To participate in the hands-on parts of the tutorial please install Julia on your device and instantiate a first environment to make sure that most Julia packages are already downloaded on your computer.

Installation of Julia

We recommend to use the juliaup installer for julia.

You can install juliaup via the windows store or by executing

winget install julia -s msstore

To install juliaup in Linux or Mac execute the following in a shell

curl -fsSL | sh

Instantiation of an initial environment

For the workshop we are going to use the environment that is available of the examples folder.

You can download the Project.toml file from manually and save it in a new folder. Then change in a terminal to this folder.

Use git to download the whole workshop material.

git clone

Change to the examples folder in the datacubes_in_julia_workshop folder.

Now that we have the Project.toml file downloaded we can run the following line in the terminal from the folder in which the Project.toml is located.

julia -e 'using Pkg;Pkg.activate(".");Pkg.resolve();Pkg.precompile()'


This is a rough time line of the workshop hold on two half days.

Day 1

Time Topic
9:00 Introduction to Datacube analysis
9:30 Introduction to Julia
10:30 Break
10:50 Exercise: Time series analysis + plotting

Day 2

Time Topic
9:00 Introduction to YAXArrays.jl
9:45 Exercise: YAXArrays
10:15 Break
10:30 Excursion: Datacubes in python
10:45 Data preparation
11:15 PyramidScheme.jl