Flexible I/O capabilities
Open and operate on NetCDF and Zarr datasets directly. Or bring in data from other sources with ArchGDAL.jl, GRIBDatasets.jl, GeoJSON.jl, HDF5.jl, Shapefile.jl, GeoParquet.jl, etc.
A package for operating on out-of-core labeled arrays, based on stores like NetCDF, Zarr or GDAL.
Since YAXArrays.jl
is registered in the Julia General registry, you can simply run the following command in the Julia REPL:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("YAXArrays.jl")
# or
julia> ] # ']' should be pressed
pkg> add YAXArrays
If you want to use the latest unreleased version, you can run the following command:
pkg> add YAXArrays#master
Install the following package(s) for:
using Pkg
using Pkg
using Pkg
using Pkg
Pkg.add(["GLMakie", "GeoMakie", "AlgebraOfGraphics", "DimensionalData"])